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Help Center


Quick Start

Creating an Order

  1. Click “Create Order” at the top of any page.
  2. Choose a list to place an order from (History is selected by default) and Click “Create Order”.
  3. On the Add List Items to Cart page, enter quantities for the items you would like to order then click “Proceed to Review Cart".
  4. Review the items in your cart and click “Proceed to Checkout”.
  5. On the Checkout page, choose your Delivery Day and enter a PO # if desired then Click “Submit Order”.

Setting up Notifications

  1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select the gear icon.
  2. On the Profile Settings page, click “Notification Settings”.
  3. Click “Edit” then choose which notifications you would like to receive for your accounts, click “Save Changes”.
  4. To receive text notifications, you must add a mobile number under your User Profile.

How can I change a submitted Order?

  1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Orders”.
  2. All orders that are eligible for a change order will be displayed at the top of the list with a pencil icon next to them. Find the order that needs to be changed, click the invoice #, then “Initiate Change order” on the Order Details page.
  3. This will open the Cart page for your order and allow you to make your desired changes.
  4. Once you have completed your changes, click the “Proceed to Checkout” button at the bottom of the Cart page.
  5. Check your order for accuracy and correct delivery date, then click “Submit Order”.

Pay an Invoice

  1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Invoices”.
  2. On the Invoices page, all open invoices for accounts you have access to will be displayed by default.
  3. Choose the invoices to pay by selecting the checkboxes.
  4. Review total and click “Proceed to Pay”.
  5. On the Payment Confirmation modal, choose scheduled payment date(s) and click “Submit Payment”.

Create a User (as an Admin)

  1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, select “Manage Users”.
  2. Select “Users” on the left, then click “Create User”.
  3. On the User Details page, fill out all required fields and select the user role. Shopper and Buyer roles are not granted invoice access by default.
  4. Enable notifications for the user being created if desired.
  5. Assign the accounts the user needs access to, then click “Create User”.


What does my order status mean?

  • Confirmed – We have received your order with no issues
  • Confirmed with Exceptions – We have received your order, but some items may be out of stock/subbed
  • Confirmed with Changes – We have received your change order with no issues
  • Confirmed with Changes and Exceptions - We have received your change order, but some items may be out of stock/subbed
  • In Process – Your order is being processed
  • Shipped - Your order has already shipped
  • Rejected - The order was rejected
  • Cancelled – The order was cancelled

Comparing items

You can compare up to four items from a search results page or product list page by selecting the checkbox for the item and then clicking “Add To Compare”.

  1. Search for an item or browse the catalog by category
  2. Select the checkbox near the item:
    1. In Grid view, the checkbox is in the top left corner of the item image.
    2. In List View, the checkbox is to the left of the item.
  3. Once you have selected a minimum of 2 items, the “Add to Compare” button will appear in the upper-right hand corner of the page.
  4. After clicking “Add to Compare”, the items will show in a pop-up at the bottom of the page.
  5. Clicking “Compare” will take you to the Compare Items page where you can see the items listed side by side.

    How do I view the status of a submitted order?

    1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Orders”.
    2. On the Order History page, previously placed orders may be filtered by order status or sorted by Invoice, PO, Order Date and Delivery Date.
    3. The Order Status can be found in the column at the far right.
    4. Detailed status for each of the items on your order are available by clicking on the invoice #.

    Can I create an order from a previous order?

    “To create an order from an order that was previously placed, click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page in Entrée, then select “Orders”. From the Orders History page, select the order that you wish to reorder, then select “Reorder” on the Order Details page. This will allow you to create a new cart with the items from the previous order already in the cart. Make any edits you wish to make to the cart, then submit your order.”

    Why was my order rejected?

    Orders may be rejected for various reasons, please contact your sales representative for more information.

    What can I do if an item is out or low inventory?

    Ben E. Keith receives daily shipments of our products. If an item is out or low inventory, substitute the item when notified or check the product page periodically for stock updates. Quantities are updated throughout the day.

    How do I see my open carts in entrée?

    To view open carts in entrée, click your hamburger menu at the top right of any page in entrée, then select “Open Change Orders and Carts”. Carts that are open on the account will be displayed on this page.

    Can my DSR see what I order and help me?

    When you place an order in entrée, your sales rep will be notified and be able to see what you’ve ordered. Your DSR can then make modifications to your order if needed.

    Can I get a copy of my order confirmation?

    After you have placed an order, your order confirmation can be viewed by clicking the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page in entrée, then select “Orders”. We can also send you an email or a notification in entrée with the details of your order after it has been submitted.

    Ordering Natural & Organic Items

    You can browse our Natural and Organic catalog by selecting the “Natural and Organic” image in the Shop by Category section of the home page. You can shop for a product by type. Every Natural and Organic item will have a special-order leaf icon associated with the product. These items are sourced from a 3rd party vendor and may arrive later than regular Ben E. Keith items.

    Recommended Items

    Product recommendations are based on the items currently in your cart and may change as items are added or removed.

    What is a special order item?

    Ben E. Keith has partnered with a 3rd party supplier to offer you a wide range of natural and organic products. These items are filled by the 3rd party and will not ship immediately once ordered in entrée. We will automatically attach specialty items you have ordered on your next order once we have received them from the supplier.


    What types of Product Lists are available in entrée?

    entrée includes several types of lists to assist with managing the products you may want to order on a regular basis. Lists can be used as the basis for starting an order.

    • Contract* (if you are a contract customer)
    • History*
    • Favorites
    • Custom (created and named by you)
    • Reminders**
    • Mandatory**
    • Non-BEK List

    *By default, these will be populated by the system for you

    "**These lists are integrated into the checkout process to assist as you are placing your order."

    Can I share a list to another account?

    Sharing lists in entrée is a great option if you would like to use the same list across multiple accounts or if you would like to send a list to another account.

    1. To share a list with an account, start by navigating to the custom list you would like to share.
    2. On the list you would like to share, click the 3 vertical dots next to “Organize List”, then select “Share”
    3. A window will appear that gives you the option to either share or give a list. ,
      Sharing a list will send a read-only copy of the list to another account. The receiving account will not be able to make any changes to the list but will see any changes made to the original list on the account from which it was shared.
      Giving a list will send a copy of the original list to the account and users on that account will be able to make edits to the list. Edits made on the shared list will not be shared across any accounts.
    4. Once you have decided which type of share you would like, select the account(s) that you would like to share the list to, then click “Save Changes”.
    5. Lists being shared with your account will show up in the Lists shared with me section on the Custom Lists page.

    What is a Par on a custom list?

    Par levels in entrée are used to set a desired order quantity for items on your custom lists. With a par level set on an item, simply put in the amount of product you have on-hand for an item on the Add List Items to Cart page and entrée will calculate your order quantity for you. You can always change the amount you would like to order by clicking into the Order Qty field and adjust as needed.

    How do I add par levels to items on my custom list?

    1. Navigate to the custom list for which you would like to add par levels and click “Organize List”.
    2. In the Par column, enter a value for the item you would like to have a par level
    3. Once you have entered in all par values, click “Save & Exit”
    4. Pars will now be available on the Add List Items to Cart screen by toggling on “Use Par Levels” at the top right of the screen

    How do I create a Custom List?

    Custom lists are a great tool in entrée that can help you stay organized and place orders quicker. There are a few different ways to create a custom list in entrée:

    1. When viewing an item in the Product Catalog, a new list can be created by clicking the <+List icon>, then clicking “New List” in the popup. Name your list, then click “Create List”. The item you selected has now been added to your newly created list. To view the list you created, click the “Hamburger Icon” at the top of any page, then select “Lists”.
    2. On the Lists page, select “Custom Lists”, then click the “Create List” button at the top right of the page. Name your list, then click “Create List”. A new list has been created and you can begin adding items to it from the catalog or other lists!
    3. If you already have a list of items with Ben E. Keith item numbers that you would like to upload, you can do that too! Click the “Create List” button on the Custom Lists page, then select “Import list from file”. This will give you the option to upload either an excel or csv file into entrée from your computer. If your file contains column headers, be sure to check the box for “Ignore first line”, then click “Create List”.

    What are labels on custom lists?

    Labels on custom lists in entrée is a great way to group and organize your lists in entrée. These labels will help you put items into categories based on your store’s layout, inventory order, etc. Labels help you stay on track when ordering using your custom list and when creating an Inventory Valuation Report.

    How do I add labels to my custom list?

    1. Navigate to the custom list for which you would like to add labels, click “Organize List”, then select “Manage Labels” at the top right of the page.
    2. A window will open that will allow you to manage label names and order for labels that already exist.
    3. To add a new label, click “New Label” in the window and type in the name of the label, then click “Create Lables”
    4. Your newly created label can now be sorted and added to items on your custom lists.

    What is a Non-BEK Items list?

    A Non-BEK Items list can be created for items at your account that are not currently being purchased from Ben E. Keith foods, such as alcohol or office supplies. The list can be created manually in entrée or by importing a file you already have.

    What is a Mandatory List?

    A mandatory list is a custom list managed by the admin on the account or Ben E. Keith representative. Items on this list are required to be ordered when submitting an order through entrée. If the items on the mandatory list are not in the cart, they will be highlighted on the Checkout page and you must add them to your cart. Steps for creating this list are similar to creating a custom list with the additional step of setting a mandatory order quantity for each item on the list.

    What is a Reminders List?

    A reminders list is a custom list that can be modified by any user on the account. Items added to this list will be highlighted at checkout if they are not in the cart. These items are not required to be ordered like a mandatory item is and an order can be submitted without all reminder items being in the cart.


    View Invoices

    You can view all invoices associated with your account by clicking the “Hamburger” icon in the header area and selecting Invoices from the dropdown menu.

    If you do not see the option for invoices on your account, you may be assigned a role that does not have access to view them. Please contact your account administrator, DSR or Customer Service Rep for assistance.

    How do I know if an invoice has been paid?

    To view invoices for your account, click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Invoices”. On the Invoices page, you can search for the invoice in question or change the filter to view all paid invoices.


    What is an Inventory Valuation Report?

    The Inventory Valuation Report can be used to help you determine the dollar amount of product you currently have on hand at your account. With this report, you can value items that you purchase from Ben E. Keith, as well as items that you don’t. Each report you create will be accessible to you at any time in case you would like to compare inventory valuations over time.

    Are there any other reports I can access for my account(s)?

    As an Admin, Owner or Buyer role, you have access to our Business Intelligence services that allows you to get an in-depth look at your accounts purchases. To access this, navigate to the Reports landing page and select “More Reports and Insights” at the top right of the page. This will open your Customer Reporting Dashboard with information on Purchasing, Invoices, Item Usage and much more!

    If you don’t see the “More Reports and Insights” button on the Reports landing page, please contact your account administrator or your Ben E. Keith representative for assistance.

    How do I create an Inventory Valuation Report?

    1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Reports”.
    2. This will take you to the Reports landing page where you can view reports that were created in the past, or create a new report by clicking “Create New Report” at the top right of the page.
    3. In the pop-up window, you can name the report anything you like, then select the list that the report will be generated with. Then click “Create Report”.
    4. On the created report, enter the quantity for each item that is on-hand at your account by either Case, Each or lb.
    5. As you enter items, your inventory valuation will automatically be updated based on current pricing for the items in your account.
    6. Once you have finished your inventory, the report can be saved in entrée as well as printed/exported for use elsewhere.

    Profile Settings

    How can I see which accounts I have access to?

    There are two different ways to see which accounts you have access to in entrée:

    1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top of any page, then select the settings icon. On the Assigned Accounts page, you will see all your accounts, be able to set your default account or notifications for individual accounts.
    2. Another way to view your assigned accounts is by clicking the account dropdown next to the “Create an Order” button on any page in entrée. This dropdown will include all accounts that are assigned to your profile and allow you to search for a particular account by account name or number.

    How do I set up notifications for individual accounts in entrée?

    1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select the gear icon.
    2. On the Profile Settings page, click “Assigned Accounts”.
    3. Click the dropdown arrow for the account you would like to set notifications for, then click “Edit”.
    4. Select the notifications you would like to receive for that account, then click “Save Changes”.
    5. Repeat this process if you would like to set up notifications for only certain accounts on your profile.

    What are Documents?

    In your Profile Settings, you will see a menu option called “Documents”. This section will allow you to access any documents that have been uploaded to your account by your Ben E. Keith representative. These documents can be printed and downloaded for use outside of entrée.

    What notifications are available in entrée?

    All the below notifications can be sent to you through entrée or to your email. Track My Order notifications can also be sent to your phone if you have a mobile number set on your User Profile.

    • Order Confirmations
    • My Invoices need attention
    • Payment confirmation
    • Track My order
    • Track My order delays only

    How do I change my password?

    1. Click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select the gear icon.
    2. On the Profile Settings page, click “Security Settings”, then “Change Password”.
    3. Enter your new password that meets the password requirements noted on the page, then click “Save Changes”. Also, if you ever forget your password and can’t login, you can always select the “Forgot your password” option on the login page of entrée and we will send a link to your email that will allow you to reset your password.

    User Management (Admin Functionalities)

    Can I send out a message to all my accounts/users through entrée?

    Broadcasting a message to your customers is easier than ever in entrée. To broadcast a message, follow the steps below:

    1. As a logged in Admin/Owner, click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Manage Users”.
    2. On the Manage Users page, select “Broadcast Message” from the menu on the left to pull up the messaging form.
    3. In the Recipients section, click “+Add Recipients”, then select the Accounts/Users you would like to send a message to. Once you have selected the recipients, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the pop-up window.
    4. Fill out Subject and Message fields, then click “Send”.
    5. Your message has been sent to all selected recipients and will appear on their Notifications page in entrée.

    How do I add a user to my account?

    1. As a logged in Admin/Owner, click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Manage Users”.
    2. On the Manage Users page, select “Users” from the menu on the left, then click “Create User”.
    3. Fill out the user’s information, assign a User Role and set notifications for the user (if desired).
    4. Scroll down on the page to view the accounts available to you. Select the accounts for which the user you’re creating should have access to by clicking “Assign Account”, then click “Save Changes”.
    5. The created user will receive an email with a link to entrée and allow them to setup a password to login to the site.

    What are user roles in entrée?

    User roles are assigned to a user to grant them different levels of access to entrée. The following roles are available in entrée:

    1. Admin – Manage Mandatory Lists plus all the capabilities of an Owner
    2. Owner – Create/update users and assign to accounts, broadcast messages, pay invoices, KBIT Access and all the capabilities of a Buyer
    3. Buyer – Submit orders and all the capabilities of a Shopper
    4. Accounting – View/pay invoices, KBIT access
    5. Shopper – Browse catalog, create/update custom lists, view invoices (if enabled), create/edit carts, Inventory Valuation Report. Shopper CAN NOT submit orders, must be submitted by Buyer, Owner or Admin
    6. Guest – Can only browse catalog

    How do I remove a user from my account?

    1. As a logged in Admin/Owner, click the “Hamburger” icon at the top right of any page, then select “Manage Users”.
    2. On the Manage Users page, select “Users” from the menu on the left, then find the user from the list or search for the user by name, email or role.
    3. Select the user to view the User Details page, then click “Edit” at the bottom right.
    4. To remove the user from particular accounts, scroll down to the User Accounts section and click “Unassign Account” for the accounts you want to remove the user from.
    5. To completely remove the user from entrée, you can click “Delete User” at the top right of the User Details page.


    Quick Start Guide (PDF, 347kb)


    Import Order Template (CSV, 1kb)

    Healthcare Resources

    Healthcare PPD Calculator (Excel, 21kb)

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